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The Student News Site of Colonia Middle School

The Patriot Post

  • January 6Check out all of the great new articles and poems by the new Patriot Post staff!
  • January 6Contratulations to Mrs. Melissa McLaughlin, 2024-2025 Educator of the Year and Mrs. Leticia Jordan, Support Person on the Year!
The Student News Site of Colonia Middle School

The Patriot Post

The Student News Site of Colonia Middle School

The Patriot Post

Shivani Sinha

Shivani Sinha, Newspaper Staff

Shivani Sinha is a 14 year old 8th grader at Colonia Middle School and an aspiring writer. She is 14 years old, and her hobbies include listening to music and watching Netflix. Her favorite artists include Ariana Grande, Girl in Red, and Clairo. Her favorite movie is “Mean Girls” and her favorite Netflix series are “The Crown” and “Stranger Things.” Her favorite animal is a kangaroo. Additionally, she loves to watch musicals and to go on TikTok. 

All content by Shivani Sinha