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The Student News Site of Colonia Middle School

The Patriot Post

  • December 8Congratulations to Mrs. Elizabeth Castro 2023-2024 CMS Governor's Excellence in Education Support Person of the Year
  • December 8Congratulations to Mrs. Henriques 2023-2024 CMS Governor's Excellence in Education Teacher of the Year!!
The Student News Site of Colonia Middle School

The Patriot Post

The Student News Site of Colonia Middle School

The Patriot Post

Mia Rodrigues

Mia Rodrigues, Newspaper Staff

Mia Rodrigues is a thirteen year old Colonia Middle School student.  She also loves listening to music, watching tv and spending time with her family. Mia has an older brother, Marcus, a sophomore at Colonia High School.  Mia has a dog named Leo which she adores. She plays travel soccer and is the captain of her team. She also plays travel ice hockey and is assistant captain of her team. She is a proud member of the Patriot Post staff and loves writing. Her favorite TV shows are  "Outer Banks" and "All American". Her favorite book of all time is The Outsiders

All content by Mia Rodrigues