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The Student News Site of Colonia Middle School

The Patriot Post

  • December 5Be sure to bring in coloring books & crayons to support the Community Service Club!
  • December 5Be sure to check out this year's girls' & boys' basketball teams!
  • December 5Meet the 2024-2025 staff of The Patriot Post!
The Student News Site of Colonia Middle School

The Patriot Post

The Student News Site of Colonia Middle School

The Patriot Post

Arav Patel

Arav Patel, Newspaper Staff Reporter

Arav Patel is 13 years old who goes to Colonia Middle School. He enjoys playing board games, traveling around the world, and playing cricket. He loves hanging out with his friends. His favorite subject is math and he also loves astronomy. He plays on a cricket team with his friends and loves doing it. He is in all honors classes and is excited about his future. He wants to build his own company when he grows and wants to inspire others. He loves traveling and wants to travel the whole world one day.  

All content by Arav Patel